Sunday, May 6, 2012

Here We Are

This is not my first blog.  I never quite know how to start these things.  Do I introduce myself, give a little bit of background information, share why I am starting this blog?  Or do I just jump in with what I have on my mind.

I had a LiveJournal many many years ago.  I had a WordPress most recently that I have abandoned.  I go through moments where I have a need to purge myself of emotions and thoughts and then there are moments where I just want to fall back into the shadows and watch the world go by.  So I abandoned my paid WordPress blog.  I just couldn't justify paying for something that I only would write in every so often.

So here I am.  I have the need to purge emotions.

I take care of my 99 year old grandmother during the day while my mom is at work.  Age aside, she also has Alzheimer's.  This on a normal day to day basis would be a huge undertaking.  Add to the fact that she has recently (like within the last week) come down with pneumonia.  This makes life even harder.

So here we grandmother recovering from pneumonia and yet giving up the will to live. She can no longer stand and walk on her own and physically fights us when we try to help her. She refuses to swallow her medicine and won't hardly eat enough to keep a bird alive.  I'm at a loss of what to do other than keep her comfortable and tell her it is going to be ok.

So I'll be writing about this journey, losing my grandmother to the battle of alzheimer's. My emotions are real, I will not edit or censor anything.